Get Ready for Instant Cash with CashDro

There is one CashDro for each type of business that allows automated cash management, improving the establishment safety, staff productivity and customer service. Instant POS closing without discrepancies. Guarantees food hygiene.

Ready to Connect? Get in Touch with Us Now!



• Instant cash closing and without imbalances
• Cash is always safe
• Unknown cash losses are avoided
• Exchange rate errors are eliminated
• Rejects counterfeit coins and banknotes
• Links to any software on the market
• Centralized control
• Improves customer service


• Connection to pos from any distance
• Easy to integrate into counters
• Work with one or more pos terminals, tablets or smartphones.
• Easily link to your point of sale and any platform
• It can be used from an app installed on a client's smartphone or tablet
• Customer or employee orientation

CashDro7 is the ideal equipment for businesses where high speed validation or dispensing of banknotes is required during collection, changing or loading.