Online Orders

Application available for restaurants, pizzerias, fast foods, coffee shops, greengrocers, butchers, fishmongers, supermarkets, patisseries, bakeries, shops, etc.

Ready to Connect? Get in Touch with Us Now!

Immediate set up

Enable PortalRest, choose the products and the price you want to sell online, post it on your social networks and start receiving orders !!

Customize the displays with your colors
Make the online order process more personal by customizing the application’s elements with your company’s corporate colours.

Sale by format

Offer the best experience to your customers by allowing them to choose and customize how they want the products they are going to buy as if they were physically in your establishment.

Allergen consultation

See allergenic and nutritional information that a food product may contain.

Order guarantee

Your customers pay when ordering and you receive the payment instantly.

No commissions

Forget about transaction commissions charged by other platforms to receive online orders.

Keep your clients connected

When a sale is made, an electronic ticket will be automatically sent to your customer’s email.
On this ticket your customers will be able to see the purchase, comment on their experience, check the establishment’s information, access to your social networks, redo their online order and track a home delivery order.

Track your order

Inform the customer at all times of the status of their order so that they can track it from their smartphone. In addition, they will have the possibility of sharing their opinion of the service and of each of the ordered products.