HIOSCREEN is a touch screen based solution used for the management of pending dishes that have to be prepared and served. View orders in different ways with different screens. With the pass screen you can manage the orders to be served for each table and organize the preparation of the dishes with a situation screen (cold, hot dishes...).


Why is HioScreen important to your business


Avoid customer’s waiting time


Avoid unnecessary trips to check the dishes status


Serve the orders at the right moment


Speed up the table service


Avoid manufacturing errors

Orders management

The kitchen screen system helps you to optimize your restaurant’s management, receiving the orders taken from the tables or from the bar, from a T-Quiosk or directly from any place from PortalRest, and it allows you to manage the orders preparation and inform, in a visual way, the status of each dish.

Pass screen

Receive orders in order of arrival and distinguish by colors the status of the dishes you have to serve.


  • Pending
  • To prepared
  • On preparation
  • Prepared
  • Served

Kitchen Screen

Configure the screen where the dishes to be prepared are displayed in Horizontal or Vertical. The cook can mark the dishes that are in preparation and those that have already been prepared.

Work in parallel identifying the dishes to be prepared by either the table number (in the restaurant) or the order number (Take Away).


Why is CallScreen important to your business


Avoid customer’s waiting time


Skip the lines at the pick-up point


Connected with HIOPOS


Greater table turnover


Improve customer service

Main advantages

  • It shows in one or several informative screens the order number and the status of the order (in preparation, prepared) so that the customer would pick it up at the delivery point.
  • CALLSCREEN works without staff intervention since it is integrated with the kitchen screens.
  • The delivery is confirmed on a touch screen or by reading the QR code of the order.
  • The background image, texts and colors are configured according to the corporate image of the client.
  • Avoid crowds at the point of delivery by permanently inform the customers of the status of their orders.
  • Integrated with HIOPOS, T-Quiosk y Portalrest.