
What is a Cloud Erp

The purchase of a business software shifts from particularly big and complex systems to ERP solutions which are much more cost effective and useful, while offering greater flexibility.

A solution that is constantly gaining more ground is that of Cloud ERP or, as it is also known, SaaS ERP (Software as a Service ERP).

But, what is Cloud ERP? This is a particularly popular solution as it responds to many of the challenges linked to big ERP installations. A Cloud-Based ERP makes use of internet-based capabilities regarding resource management and data storage, enabling all the business management tasks to be carried out in the Cloud. A Cloud ERP can be ready to run in no time, because no software is installed in the company’s servers (unlike the case of the on-premise installation.) Moreover, it is always up to date enabling the customers to always work on the latest version.

Cloud ERP helps the company cut down on operational costs, since it does not require any additional hardware, while it is invoiced using an annual subscription (usually on a yearly and on a per-user basis).

It is worth noting that SoftOne was the first software provider to introduce the subscription model in Greece and at a time when the Cloud concept was unknown to businesses and to the end users. Essentially, with the S1aaS (Soft1 as a Service), SoftOne was the first to offer IT business solutions as a service, regardless of whether the Cloud distribution system was available or not.

Another critical parameter of Cloud ERP is the ability to access business data from everywhere, using any mobile device.

Lastly, data security with a disaster recovery plan is considered a given, since any real Cloud ERP is found in modern data centers.

For example, SoftOne uses Microsoft Azure technology and the respective Microsoft services, that offers full control and separation between data and software, so that the solution is fully compatible with European Union directives etc.

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